Michael Roemer
A Film Desk Release
Michael Roemer's VENGEANCE IS MINE
Starring Brooke Adams, Trish Van Devere, Ari Meyers and Jon De Vries
With Audry Matson, Mark Arnott, Roseanna Cox, Stephen D. Newman Joseph Warren, Kenneth Ryan and Scottie Bloch
Edited by Terry Lewis Photography by Franz Rath Produced by Stanley D. Plotnick Laboratories Du Art (1984), Colorlab (2022)
Written and Directed by MICHAEL ROEMER
“Roemer is known for only two films, both masterpieces: Nothing But a Man (1964) and The Plot Against Harry (1971)... The rediscovery of a third Roemer feature as good as the others is a cause for celebration, and something of a miracle.”
“One of the masters of American cinema. Don’t miss this.”