Every Man For Himself
Jean-Luc Godard - New 35mm Print
Every Man for Himself
A Film Composed by Jean-Luc Godard
With Isabelle Huppert, Jacques Dutronc and Nathalie Baye
Screenplay: Jean-Claude Carrière & Anne-Marie Miéville
Photography: William Lubtchansky & Renato Berta
Music: Gabriel Yared
Editing: Anne-Marie Miéville & Jean-Luc Godard
Producer: Alain Sarde & Jean-Luc Godard
Associate Producer: Marin Karmitz
“Isabelle Huppert Will Not Be Defined”
“A masterpiece of contemporary aimlessness in furious motion. Every image is suffused with such elegant and exquisite insights into what makes the medium interact with its material that the total effect is intoxicating.”
“Godard’s brilliant new comedy...a stunning, original work... breathtakingly beautiful and often very funny... I trust it will outlive us all.”
“The latest lovely, desperate film by one of the most brilliant filmmakers alive...should be seen by everyone interested in movies or in life, without hesitation or delay.”
I drove her to the beach that day. It was a weekday and not yet summer so things were splendidly deserted. Beach bums in rags slept on the lawns above the sand. Others sat on stone benches sharing a lone bottle. The gulls whirled about, mindless yet distracted. Old ladies in their 70's and 80's sat on the benches and discussed selling real estate left behind by husbands long ago killed by the pace and stupidity of survival. For it all, there was peace in the air and we walked about and stretched on the lawns and didn't say much. It simply felt good being together. I bought a couple of sandwiches, some chips and drinks and we sat on the sand eating. Then I held Cass and we slept together about an hour. It was somehow better than lovemaking. There was flowing together without tension. When we awakened we drove back to my place and I cooked a dinner. After dinner I suggested to Cass that we shack together. She waited a long time, looking at me, then she slowly said, "No."
- excerpt from the story The Most Beautiful Woman in Town by Charles Bukowski